Live Action Roleplay
Swordcraft: Blood and Gold is Australia's largest medieval Battle Game and Live Action Roleplay event.
Our battles boast the involvement of hundreds of people in large scale field and forest battles, sieges and skirmishes. At Swordcraft, we fight with authentic-looking foam weapons and real steel armour, chain maille, leather, and high quality costumes.
Our vision is to develop a massive LARPing and battle-gaming community in Victoria and Australia, through a game that is fun to play, regular, welcomes players from different backgrounds and has the potential to grow in scale up to an enormous number of players.
Since Swordcraft's inception in 2011, we have seen our community grow into Australia's largest Live Action Roleplay and Battle Gaming event, consisting of thousands of players all over Australia. What was once a simple Friday-night biff between friends has slowly grown into a community of diverse, talented and skilled individuals who love to geek out over all things LARP.
Our community is a diverse and welcoming mix of people from all over Australia! From students and police officers to teachers and lawyers, there's a place for everyone at Swordcraft to battle, roleplay, create and inspire within a continuously growing and expanding community. We aim to develop an inclusive community where anyone from cosplayers to historical re-enactors can find a home.
This video showcases some of the wonders Swordcraft has to offer - but still only scratches the surface of the adventures waiting for you!
Produced by Burgshneider.
Autumn Quest 2018
Our Key Volunteers
Jeff Krins
President, Rules and Founder
Nelson Gallardo
Treasurer and Founder
Phill Krins
Andrew Peterson
Mad Scientist, Monsters and Rules
Letitia Pullen
Head Marshal and Melb Rep
Mads Colvin
Community Liason
James Weir
Regional Rep
Anthony Mason
Regional Rep